Nominated Charity

Speakeasy offers innovative services, resources and communication training, all co-created by people with lived experience of communication disability.

Toltec is committed to providing voluntary support and has chosen Speakeasy as its nominated charity. Toltec supports Speakeasy with the provision of enterprise-level cloud technology, equipment and support services, which they would otherwise be unable to procure.  Speakeasy receives no statutory funding; staff, members and its loyal volunteers raise all of the funds for this worthwhile charity.

Based in the North West, Speakeasy is an award-wining charity dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by aphasia, a complex communication disability caused by brain damage from stroke, tumour, head injury or meningitis. 

Aphasia affects speech, understanding, reading, writing and numeracy – all of the things we take for granted.  Intelligence remains unaffected.  This is challenging; relationships struggle, and in our communication-driven society, dependency can develop.  People with aphasia are often dismissed as drunk or having a learning disability; physical and emotional health can suffer.

Speakeasy’s mission is to make a practical, positive and lasting difference to people with aphasia and their carers.  Aphasia is different for every person.  Through tailored, meaningful activities, Speakeasy members develop skills and confidence around their limitations – to live their lives, to enhance relationships and their quality of life.

Speakeasy is a registered charity 516092

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